One Agent... One Solution..

What is "Encapsulator Technology?"

No other firefighting agent can perform like F-500 Encapsulator Agent due to "Encapsulator Technology."

To understand this technology, you have to begin with the F-500 EA molecule.

F-500 EA has a large, amphipathic molecule, meaning it has a polar head that is attracted to water

and a nonpolar tail that is attracted to hydrocarbons.

As the F-500 EA mixes with water, it reduces the surface tension of the water.

This makes the droplets smaller. A smaller droplet can better penetrate Class A fuels and cover a larger surface area.

The smaller drops actually have more surface area than plain water drops, so there is more surface area to absorb the heat.

Coming out of the nozzle, these tiny droplets form.

The nonpolar tails of the F-500 EA molecules move to the surface of the drops.

These molecules form a protective skin around the drops that improve the heat absorbing properties of the drops.

Instead of evaporating like water, the newly formed F-500 EA droplets absorb 6-10 time more heat energy than plain water.

Whereas water cools by creating scalding steam, these F-500 EA droplets slowly release a warm vapor.

Foam forms a blanket that traps in the heat, but F-500 EA reduces temperatures so quickly, it can be used to extinguish Class D,

high-temperature, combustible metals.

When the F-500 EA nonpolar tails protruding from the droplets find hydrocarbon vapors or liquid, they attach themselves,

forming micelles or "chemical cocoons" around the hydrocarbon molecules.

Because the hydrocarbons are enveloped, the hydrocarbons become nonflammable and nonignitable.

The fire tetrahedron explains the four elements required to make a fire: heat, oxygen, fuel and free radicals.

Eliminating any one of these elements will extinguish a fire.

F-500 EA removes three elements.

F-500 EA removes the heat.

Without the heat, there is no fire.

F-500 EA encapsulates the fuel, leaving nothing to burn.

Finally, F-500 EA also interrupts the free radical chain reaction.

Free radicals are unburned gases released during combustion that intensify the fire.

F-500 EA prevents this chain reaction from occurring.

    Reduce the surface tension of the water

    Rapidly absorb the heat

    Encapsulate the fuel

    Interrupt the free radical chain reaction

F-500 EA can do it all!

